All-on-4® San Francisco, CA

If you are experiencing tooth loss or severe decay, All-on-4® implants could be the right solution. Trying to eat or speak with significant gaps in your mouth can be challenging and may cause you to avoid social situations. The All-on-4 implant treatment involves mounting all replacement teeth to four dental implants on the top and bottom of your mouth.

All-on-4 implants are available at Smiles On Balboa in San Francisco and the surrounding area. You can restore your smile and once again enjoy the proper function of your mouth. Call our office today at (415) 413-2237 to schedule an appointment and learn more.

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    Why Patients Should Consider All-on-4

    Instead of waiting for several months to get false teeth attached to the implants, patients can get them attached the same day. The process takes a shorter amount of time because it does not require bone grafts or a large number of implants. The All-on-4 implant process gives the patient natural-looking teeth and helps them feel at ease chewing, speaking, and socializing.

    When patients are missing only a few teeth, treatments such as partial dentures, bridges, or traditional implants may be a better fit. However, people who come to our office for All-on-4 implants either have no teeth, or their teeth are failing. Also, if a patient has certain health conditions, a bone graft may not be recommended and this treatment may be a safer choice.

    “The All-on-4 implant process gives the patient natural-looking teeth and helps them feel at ease chewing, speaking, and socializing.”

    Causes and Effects of Tooth Loss

    According to WebMD, tooth loss is a common but not inevitable part of aging. Tooth loss can occur from an accident, such as a slip or fall that knocks out one or more teeth. Injuries such as hard blows to the face from playing sports or being involved in a vehicle accident could dislodge teeth as well. Over time, excessive decay or gum disease can compromise a tooth's structure and effectiveness. Teeth may wear down, fall out, or a dental professional may have to pull them.

    Extreme tooth decay can cause severe pain and irritation. Aesthetically, a toothless smile can have emotional implications on a patient. Other effects of missing or damaged teeth include:

    • Sensitivity to certain foods and beverages: When a patient has large cavities or failing teeth, it can be challenging to consume hot or cold food and drinks.
    • Discomfort in the gum area: Patients who have no teeth may have trouble eating and speaking. Some may find wearing a complete set of dentures less comfortable.
    • Social discomfort: Patients who are missing teeth may avoid smiling or even being out in social settings.

    All of these effects can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Luckily, there are many tooth replacement options. Our team can help patients determine if All-on-4 is the right solution for them.

    “According to WebMD, tooth loss is a common but not inevitable part of aging.”

    How the All-on-4 Implant Treatment Works

    Replacing the top or bottom arch of teeth with standard dental implants would require an implant for each tooth. Alternatively, All-on-4 uses just four implants to replace the top or bottom row of teeth. The treatment works even if the patient has no teeth at all. As explained in this article by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, the four implants support the entire arch of replacement teeth. Also, this treatment does not require bone grafting. The implants will fuse with the existing bone and become part of the jaw. Because some of the implants are set at an angle, they are longer and offer more support.

    All-on-4 implant treatment is similar to getting regular implants. However, the procedure and recovery time is faster. First, the doctor will take impressions and X-rays and send those to a lab. At a subsequent appointment, our staff will use a local anesthetic to numb the patient and may have to remove any remaining damaged teeth. Then, the dental professional will insert screws into four places in the upper and lower jaw. These titanium anchors will help support the artificial teeth throughout the mouth.

    “All-on-4 implant treatment is similar to getting regular implants. However, the procedure and recovery time is faster.“

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    After the Procedure

    Our team will send you home with specific aftercare instructions that you should follow exactly for proper healing and prevention of infection. Instructions commonly include brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush, sleeping with your head elevated and eating only soft foods. Immediately following the procedure you may be sore, have swelling and light bleeding. As always, call our office immediately if these symptoms get worse rather than subside.

    Patients should maintain proper care of the implants and their oral health. Just as with natural teeth, patients need to continue brushing and flossing daily. Regular dental checkups are essential. A dentist should routinely examine the implants and artificial teeth to ensure that everything looks the way it should.

    “Patients should maintain proper care of the implants and their oral health. Just as with natural teeth, patients need to continue brushing and flossing daily.“

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Does insurance cover All-on-4 implants?

    A. It is essential to check with your provider first. All insurance plans have different levels of coverage. Our office can work with you on financing and payment plans.

    Q. What is the cost of All-on-4?

    A. Patients can benefit from the fact that All-on-4 implants tend to be less expensive than traditional implants. Some people can expect to pay about half as much as with regular treatments. Our staff will discuss the cost before starting the treatment.

    Q. What foods should people avoid after receiving All-on-4?

    A. All-on-4 implants allow patients full function within hours of the surgery. It may take a little bit of time to get used to the implants. Our team may advise patients to avoid hard foods at first.

    Q. Are there any side effects from the All-on-4 procedure?

    A. After the surgery, there may be some soreness. Patients can take over-the-counter pain medication. Minimal bleeding may also occur on the day of the procedure.

    Q. When can patients return to normal activities after the All-on-4 procedure?

    A. Because our dentist uses anesthesia to numb the patient, the person should take time to recover. Patients should avoid heavy physical activity for the next day or two. Rest is critical during this time.

    Q. How long will the All-on-4 procedure take?

    A. The process is faster than getting traditional implants. Typically, the patient can expect the surgery to last an hour or two. Time frames vary from patient to patient.

    Quality Dental Services Can Transform Your Smile

    By visiting us as soon as possible, our team can help get you the professional treatment you need. Instead of waiting around and allowing the symptoms to get worse, we can provide you with treatment options.

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    Definition of Denture Terminology

    Alveolar Bone
    The alveolar bone is the bone surrounding the root of the tooth that keeps the tooth in place.
    A clasp is a device that holds a removable partial denture prosthesis to the teeth.
    Denture Base
    The denture base is the part of the denture that connects the artificial teeth with the soft tissue of the gums.
    Edentulous is a term that applies to people who do not have any teeth.
    Fixed Full Arch Restoration
    A fixed full arch restoration is a common treatment option for edentulous patients who are missing either all or at least an entire arch of their teeth.
    Fixed Provisional Bridge
    A fixed provisional bridge is a dental bridge that a dentist cements in place for a temporary amount of time to see if it works properly before making the bridge permanent.
    Full Arch Rehabilitation
    Full arch rehabilitation involves using the All-on-4 to help patients maintain and use a new set of teeth that look natural.
    Full Arch Treatment
    Full arch treatment is the treatment process of replacing an entire arch of missing teeth and ensuring that everything fits properly.
    Graftless Procedure
    A graftless procedure is a dental implant procedure that does not require the use of a bone graft prior to placing the dental implants.
    Nobel Biocare
    Nobel Biocare is a company that manufactures dental implants and continues to innovate the market with new products and designs.
    Periodontal Disease
    Periodontal disease is a condition that causes inflammation of the gingival tissues and membrane of the teeth, leading to tooth loss without professional treatment.
    Pontic is another term for an artificial tooth on a fixed partial denture.
    Resin and Acrylic are resinous materials that can be components in a denture base.
    Stomatitis is the inflammation of the tissue that is underlying a denture that does not fit properly. It can also result from other oral health factors.

    It is Your Turn

    If you are missing teeth, consider All-on-4 implant surgery. Call us today at (415) 413-2237 to discuss your oral health needs. Join other patients in San Francisco and rediscover your smile and ability to eat the foods you love. You may also finally feel good about your overall appearance.

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    About our business and website security

    • Smiles On Balboa was established in 2006.
    • We accept the following payment methods: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa
    • We serve patients from the following counties: San Francisco County
    • We serve patients from the following cities: Richmond District, Inner Sunset, Outer Sunset, Presidio Terrace, Laurel Heights, Sea Cliff, Japantown and Pacific Heights
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